Thursday, January 10, 2008

What is the Deal With Rachael Ray?

Rachael Ray is the ubiquitous face on the cracker boxes. Some how through her quirky phrases, acronyms, and accent she has managed to crawl out of the provincial realm of cable T.V. and become an American icon. Aside from being the face of Nabisco, she has even landed her own day time network T.V. program. Never before has a food personality gone as far as she, not even Emeril. Correct me if I am wrong, but i dont think it is because the quality of her recipes are proportional to her star power. I guess hse has found the magic formula utilized by other day time personalities like Opera and Ellen. She is someone American Women can relate to, and spending a half hour with Rachael has been added to millions of Women's daily routines.


Shannon said...

Rachel ray's voice annoys me, to the point were I cannot watch her, or buy box's of crackers with her face on them. But i do admire her for the status she has created for herself.

Keith McKay said...

As for her ability to make a successful marketable image, hooray for her. The thing that makes me stroke my chin suspiciously is her ability to invariably find a way to put alcohol into EVERY dish she makes - not to mention a glass of Merlot or booze-equivalent on the side. I don't mean to judge, she just seems to find really interesting ways to get that stuff into each meal.

head chef said...

I think what most people find likeable about Rachel is that she's real. She burns the toast, she drops the butter, she can't find her paprica, and she's laughs at herself. In our day of the super perfect super model Rachel is fun.