Wednesday, April 9, 2008

How to Overcome My Gum Addiction

I was recently informed by my newly-returned-missionary brother that gum is prohibited on the mission. This came as a big blow to me. I do not know what i am going to do. Those that know me well can attest i never go anywhere without a pack of gum. I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that i spend almost every waking hour, besides eating and singing lessons, chewing gum. I have this extreme phobia of bad breath. I would die to be caught with bad breath; i don't know why, but it would be devastatingly embarrassing. In fact, i am embarrassed to even put the connection of myself and bad breath into people's minds. The only solution i can think of is to buy a two year supply of Listerine pocket strips.


Alina said...

Haha! That Listerine idea is pretty funny but I guess it could work... I've gone through phases such as described but I guess you are just gonna have to resort to the Listerine idea or pack a toothebrush around with you everyhwere you go...

bean said...

Listerine strips have always weirded me out. where do they dissolve to? lol I have never been a gum person but good luck.

Taylor_tots said...

Yes that is true. You are not allowed to chew gum, although some missionaries do. But some mission presidents are stricter than others. They usually just dont want you chewing it when you are talking to investigators. If you are in the comfort of your own apartment or on p day i am pretty sure you can chew it. Dont take my word for it though because I have never been on a mission. When my fiance came back from his mission, I gave him a pack of gum and a cd.

Courtney said...

I like gum...but clearly not as much as you do. :) Those strips always end up burning my tastebuds off and then I can't taste my next meal! It's just not worth it. Invest in a tongue scraper. Dentist say that tongue bacteria accounts for most of the bad breath problem.

Keith McKay said...

"Gum-chewing's fine when it's once in a while.
It stops you from smoking and brightens your smile.
But it's repulsive, revolting and wrong-
Chewing and chewing
The way that a cow does."

(Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) - no, you're not supposed to take this seriously. :)

Brittany Perez said...

I don't think I am OCD about gum as you are but I feel the same way about bad breath. I need gum to ward off any signs. I hate the feeling. My favorite is ORBIT Sweet Mint.

Unknown said...

I found a how to beat chewing gum addiction page. Doesn't seem there's much "users" (as they put) associated to it there but maybe that might be a good place to seek help.

I've actually found that chewing one piece isn't enough for me anymore; it is too small. I love to eat but always eating isn't a great thing so when it comes to food or gum, if I've eaten "enough", I turn to gum.