Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Picking the Right Restaurant

Why is picking a restaurant such a challenge? I come from Phoenix, the fith largest city in the U.S., and there is no shortage of variety of restaurants. However, when it comes time for my family to go out it is a lofty task to pick a restaurant. After much rumination on all our possibilites we end up eating at the same place we always do--Serranos Mexican Grill. I am sick of it. There needs to be a psychological study on why we eat where we eat. Maybe we have a penchant for the familiar? This phenomana expressed itself again when in our group we tried to find a restaurant to critique. We failed and postponed the paramount decision to Thursday.


Taylor_tots said...

Oh my goodness this is so true! I think we as humans do tend to go back to what we are familiar with, no matter how much we pretend to attempt to try something new. For example, my fiance always gets chicken Parmesan when we go out to eat. We don't even have to be at an Italian restaurant and he will manage to order it anyway. I think we humans tend to do this because we feel comfortable with it. We know that we wont be disappointed with going to the restaurant we always go to.r

Keith McKay said...

I think it has to do with analyzing risk. We so often go with the joint we've been to 800 times because we know what we're getting into. We know we won't be disappointed. On the other hand, picking a new place (like Nepalese cuisine....mmm, yak cheese) runs the risk that you won't like it. I guess what it boils down to is, we're chicken. A lot of times we as Americans are too sissy to just try something different and let it be what it is. We run to our security blanket Olive Gardens and Chili's and curl up in the culinary fetal poisition.

Courtney said...

I think sometimes it's just hard to pick a place that everyone in the family is excited about or at least content with. I know in my case it's hard to please my mom, who is a healthy salad eater and my dad who likes the sloppy, fatty stuff. And then when you take into account the kids it gets even more complicated and we are hesitant to try new things for fear of someone moping at the table or taking like an hour to find something that suits their fancy.

Ann Marie said...

I know exactly how that goes. I go out to a resturant with my family almost every week, and we always tend to pick the same type of foods, one person wants one thing and someone else wants another so in the end only about one person actually ends up being satisfyied with what they end up with. I do have to say though that going to a different restaurant every time would be a definite adventure.