I had mentioned in my previous blog that after struggling internally with justifying eating meat that i was finally able to develop a new personal philosophy on the matter. In this unimportant blog i will expand--as if anyone cares. The impetus that spurred my second guessing was the great feeling of discomfort i was feeling. I realized that if Heavenly Father wanted me to give up this heinous practice of eating meat the personal revelation telling me to do so would be a peaceful confirming feeling--the exact opposite of what i was feeling. Also, if eating meat was such a bad thing then the prophets would be more vocal about it. It is probably a higher law, like the law of consecration, that someday we will have to live by, but not now--the lamb and the lion are not going to be lying down together when we are chasing them with our shotguns! So i knew it was not wrong, per se, to kill animals quickly and painlessly for meat, but i needed to reconcile how i could ethically eat meat which supports the industry that is soooo cruel to the animals, and I KNOW that that is morally wrong. But then my meager economics training kicked in; the benefit i would lose from not eating meat would be greater than the benefit to the cause of better treatment of animals, so it would be wrong for me to make this radical decision. If there ever was a big vegetarian movement that could impact the industry then it would be the moral thing for me to join, but there is not. If i ever get elected to office i will be an animal rights activist. I felt good about this conclusion; i wasn't capitulating my morals, but rather trying to receive guidance in the task of reconciling my logos and pathos with the proper authority's ethos. To see an eye opening video on the depravity of the industry go to, but be warned that it is pretty graphic.