Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Scary Day

This primary election has been a roller coaster ride. We have seen so many political plummets and rises--the best examples being John McCain, and Obama's catching of the Clinton Juggernaut. However, after the results of Ohio and Texas primaries last night, Clinton has proven her campaign has not yet flown off the tracks. This means we are in for more months of anxiety waiting to see whether or not Americans will take the leap of faith and support Obama with the hope his idealistic rhetoric is more than fluff, or keep "politics as usual" and nominate Hillary. Is the inexperienced Obama a wolf in sheep's clothing? Is he really capable of transparent politicking? Is he an idealist's quixotic fantasy? I don't know, but I say it is worth a gamble. Continue to donate and support Barack Obama!


Gabriel said...

YES WE CAN! I think its sad how Obama is written off for being too inexperienced. Then that is explained he becomes too black. Then not black enough. Then it's his middle name, he must be a terrorist. It causes me to question what we really learned from Dr. King who paid for a dream of unity and charity with his life.

BA said...

I am not a fan of socialism. thanks